BECMA Community Investments

About BCI

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Community Investment

In 2023, we launched BCI to build a sustainable, inclusive, and equitable economy by investing capital into local underserved enterprises to spur growth and help close the racial wealth gap.

BECMA Community Investments provides a sustainable, inclusive, and equitable source of capital for Black-led enterprises to enable their growth and stability.

Policy and Advocacy

Our Investment Committee has recently approved three promising businesses, each brimming with significant potential for growth. These businesses reflect our commitment to supporting innovative entrepreneurs who are poised to make substantial impacts in their respective industries. We are excited to partner and look forward to their future successes as they scale and contribute to our mission of fostering economic growth and opportunity.


And Still We Rise

BECMA and Boston Impact Initiative were proud to invest $325,000 in And Still We Rise (ASWR), the first grantee of the BCI initiative.

ASWR’s mission is to dismantle oppressive systems and liberate marginalized people by providing culturally affirming psychotherapy, consultation, and life-coaching services. ASWR prioritizes individuals and communities that have been historically marginalized by the mental health field, including women, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ individuals.

ASWR has experienced rapid growth since its inception in 2020, but was not able to access traditional financing. The firm had to turn to short-term facilities at an extremely high interest rate, which threatened the long-term viability of the practice.


For PYNRS founder Sidney Baptista, it took seeing another Black man running to consider distance running as an option. 

Soon, he found himself immersed in Boston’s running scene and training for a marathon. His love and dedication for the sport led Sidney to create PIONEERS Run Crew in 2017 to bring running to his Dorchester neigborhood with the goal of normalizing running in the Black and Brown community.

PYNRS’ mission is to reshape the running industry by centering the experiences of people of color in our product development, marketing, storytelling and by bringing Black ownership to an industry where it doesn’t exist.


Eduporium is an educational technology company focused on bridging the digital divide by expanding equitable access to STEAM tools. They provide solutions that enhance experiential learning to help students develop essential 21st-century skills, ensuring all students have the

bt2 final logo

Better Together Brain Trust (BT2)

Better Together Brain Trust is a renewable energy company dedicated to strengthening the electrical grid and accelerating the transition from fossil fuels. They focus on installing electric chargers across Massachusetts, facilitating a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.

City Sealcoating

City Sealcoating is a full-service asphalt and pavement maintenance company. They are servicing a unique segment of the market and offer sealcoating, line striping, crack sealing, paving, and snow removal services.

City Sealcoating

News and Events


In accordance with federal laws and U.S. Department of the Treasury policy, this organization is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to: U.S. Department of the Treasury, Director, Office of Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20220;